domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011


Uma das pessoas que eu queria muito ver e conversar era o Pablo, por dois motivos, por toda consideração e respeito que tenho por ele e tambem pra terminar minha tatuagem, assim poderiamos falar sobre tudo oque rola poresses lados da nova zelandia, Pablo eh mais que um Tatuador, o cara eh extremamente profissional e honesto, esta sempre disposto a fazer de seu trabalho uma obra prima, talvez por isso sua agenda esta sempre cheia, alem de tudo foi meu Tutor e o responsavel por eu começar a tatuar, ele eh uma peça fundamental na minha historia, devo muito a ele e sei disso e eu estava preocupado se teriamos tempo de curtir um daqueles churras em sua casa, ele estava com a agenda realmente lotada mas como sempre arrumou um espaço pra minha urgencia e nao soh terminou minha manga oriental como no final se semana seguinte armou um churras assim pude ver a galera de Carapicuiba que eh a cidade vizinha onde ele mora com sua Mae, Dona Socorro. O churras foi sem palavras, pude encontrar pessoas que nao via há muitos anos inclusive uma grande amiga, Bia que na verdade foi quem me apresentou a ele e me mostrou o que era ser punk, Bia eh baixista da banda Blenda, que na minha opniao eh uma das bandas mais orignais do cenario Hardcore Paulistano, estar nessechurras me fez sentir parte daquela familia tao especial, Pablo, Luciano, Loquete, Pichu, Bia, Ana, Jessica e todos os outros valeu pela consideracao.
If had a man that I really would wanna catch up, that man was Pablo, not just because I had a tattoo to finish but, more cus I have a big respect for him, and getting my tattoo done by his hand is a great opportunity to chat about every thing that happen over here in New Zealand, he is the guy that taught me every thing that I know about tattoos, Pablo is more than just a tattoo maker he is extremely professional and fair, he always want to do from his work to an art piece, reason why his agenda is often fully booked, he is really simple and helped me since the beginning making part of my story, Im still owning a lot to him and I know about it.
I was wondering if we could find some time to do one of those barbecue at his house, so I rang him and he was booked for the next few days but as always he found some time to fit me in, he not just finish my tattoo doing an amazing work as he organized a BBQ so I could catch
up an see people that I haven't seen for ages, include his lovely Mum, Dona Socorro.The BBQ was awesome and I had a chance to see Bia, a big friend of mine, Bia introduced me to Pablo and to the punk rock scene as well. Bia is a bass player of the most original band that I'd heard, Blenda, be there made me feel part of their family that is so special to me, Pablo, Bia, Luciano, Ana, Jessica, Loquete, Pichu and all the others thanks a lot for that.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

More crazy than the Robocop in the rain... Mais loko que o Robocop na chuva

Desembarquei em epoca de eleição presidencial, e no sabado que antecedeu as eleiçoes recebi a visita de dois velhos amigos, Demetrius e Denis, eles chegaram no meu apartamento por volta das 10pm e alguns drinks depois jah estavamos na rua procurando algo melhor pra fazer, Demetrius mais conhecido como ninja eh dublê e motorista, quando crianças costumavamos fazer pequenas reuniões em sua casa, era sagrado todo domingo nos andavamos de skate o dia todo e depois iamos pra casa dele comer marshmellow, tocar teclado e tomar refri enquanto seus pais estavam na igreja, essa festinha se chamava "A farra do boi." Denis eu conheci quando ele ainda estava na barriga da mãe dele, eu e seu irmao mais velho Claudio somos grandes amigos, amo muito toda familia e tenho muito respeito por sua mãe que criou todos os filhos de uma forma espetacular. Entre conversas, goles e gargalhadas acabamos a noite em uma casa de musica e dança tradicional brasileira, foi uma noite muito engraçada, voltamos pra casa mais loucos que o Robocop na chuva e com certeza esse role e esses caras irão deixar saudades.

I touched down in elections time and on Saturday before the elections day I had a wonderful visit of two old friends, Demetrius and Denis, they arrived at my apartment about 10pm and a few drinks later we was on the streets searching for something better to do. Demetrius is called ninja and he work as professional driver and stunt actor, I remember when we were kids we used to do some small meetings in his apartment, every single Sunday we skating all day long and after that we ran to his house to eat marsh mellow, play piano and have soft drinks while his parents was in the church, those small parties was called "The bull parade". About Denis, I saw his mum pregnant and waiting for that feller come to this world, me and his brother Claudio are big friends, I really love all family and have a lot respect for his mum, she created her kids with amazing education. In between drinks and nibbles, sips and laughs we finish that night in a dancing pub in a beautiful region of Sao Paulo, with a lot of traditional brazilian music and dance, I was so happy talking and laugh that I didn't notice the night gone, in the end we came back to home a little bit wasted and more crazy than the Robocop in the rain, for sure that night and those dudes I gonna miss a lot.

quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

Falcao's Gig with Dorfo and Bruna

Assim que cheguei no Brasil tentei me comunicar com o maior numero de pessoas possiveis, na intenção de conseguir algum lugar na agenda lotada de um paulistano, no sabado recebi uma ligação do Dorfo dizendo que ele tinha uns ingressos para o show do Falcão e os Loucosmotivos so para convidados V.I.P. com bebida a vontade, o show rolaria no hotel Unique no Itaim, seria muito bom ve-lo depois de dois anos e curtir esse show juntos de novo. Conheci o Dorfo no colegio, e jamais imaginaria que poderiamos ser grandes amigos, eu gostava de Rap e ele era Head banger, ou seja eramos agua e oleo no quesito musical, mas tinhamos muito a aprender um com o outro, inclusive tolerar as diferenças, passei grande parte da minha adolescencia aprendendo com ele como ser cara de pau pra conquistar uma mulher mas acho que não funcionou muito bem, ele morava na Vila Mirante e eu no Sao Ricardo mas o interessante era que sempre me juntei aos amigos dele e ele aos meus, hoje ele eh uma lenda, juntos percorremos todos os tipos de festas e frequentamos os mais diversos picos de surf, se surfamos ou nao isso eh outra historia, entramos nas roubadas mais toscas e dormimos diversas vezes na rua soh pranao perder o que parecia um bom role, mais tarde cursamos a mesma escola para cabeleireiros em sp onde ate hoje somos lembrados pelas merdas que fizemos por lah. Com certeza ele esta entre os caras com quem passei as maires noitadas da minha vida e esta foi uma noite muito foda, curtimos as antigas musicas do Rappa e vibramos muito, valeu Leandro Lalau Dorfo a Lenda.

As soon i arrived i started to call for everyone to book my name on their busy agenda, and them on saturday Dorfo just called me saying that he had four tickets for a Jam session with Falcao and the Loucomotivos, that kind of gig used to be just for V.I.P. with bubbles and nibbles, and food and drinks for free always sounds good, he picked me and Ale up and we drove straight ahead to the Unique Hotel were about the concert would be, catch up with him always sounds like a plan.

I meet him in my eleventh year of school and i cant imagine that we gonna be good friends, i used to listen Rap and he was a fucking traditional Head Banger, we were like oil and water, but we learned with each other how to live

and accept the differences, i did spend a good time learning with him how be naughty to get the girls, but i think that it doesn't work very well, he always live a little bit far from my house in another suburb, but we always hang out with our friends and make all of us just one big tribe, today he is a Legend, together we ran all kind of party and pop in a lots of surf spot, if we surf or not that is another story haha, we went trough the worst party and many times we slept on the streets just to don't missed out what looked like a good trip, later we study at the same Hairdressers school and work for the same Hair salon franchise for many years and we keep been remembered by the many shit we make there.

For sure he is the buddy that i enjoy the biggest and craziest party of my life and that one specific was fucking awesome, we enjoy that gig like we did before and we get in mad each minute, cheers Leandro Lalau Dorfo the Legend.

sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2010

A chegada - The arrival

Sao Paulo continua sendo a cidade do pecado, onde encontramos de tudo um muito, praticamente todos os meus amigos continuam morando por lah, por que?? porque lah eh a terra oportunidade.
Assim que chegamos marcamos de nos encontrar com uns amigos num restaurante japones pra comer sushi (obvio), liguei pro Leonardo pra perguntar qual era o melhor e entao marcamos o role, foi algo soh pra descontrair e combinar o que seria mais importante antes do casamento, a DESPEDIDA DE SOLTEIRO, Lele eh conhecido por ser um grande jogador de futebol, um pagodeio de primeira, e um tremendo fanfarrao, mas pra mim eh o grande responsavel por eu estar na Nova Zelandia, sem ele isso seria muito mais dificil do que foi, quando alguem precisa de ajuda ele eh capaz de mobilizar sua propria familia, pai, mae e irmao que sao pessoas que tem um coracao maior que o mundo soh pra ajudar seus amigos, foi muito bom poder estar esta noite de novo sentado a mesa com ele e outros amigos dividindo boas risadas.

Sao Paulo still been the sin city where you can find all about everything, and the majority of my friends still living there, why?? just because is the opportunity land.

Even we arrived we decide meet a few friend at a japanese restaurant to have sushi (obvious), and then i call Leonardo to ask about a good one, was something just to have fun and a nice conversation about the most important thing before the wedding the BACHELORS PARTY, Lele is famous to be an amazing soccer player, samba lover and a fanfarrao (a dude that make jokes all the time), but for me is the biggest responsible for my life in New Zealand, without him this trip could be more hard. When some of his friends need some help he involve his own family, mum, dad and brother just to make sure that every thing will be fine, all of his family members have a big heart, this explain everything, was awesome catch up with him and his crew and cheer some good laughs.

quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

O casamento... The wedding

Vamos começar do começo...
Desde que me mudei pra Nova Zelandia, sinto muita falta dos meus amigos, e em uma dessas conversas sobre saudade, amizade, irmandade e outras "dades" quaisquer o Sacomen disse que soh se casaria se seu estivesse no Brasil, nao deu outra, respondi na hora que iria ao Brasil, na soh pra assistir mas pra se casar com ele, NAO, nao e com ele propriamente mas sim no mesmo dia, ufa me safei em tempo.
Oque?? Vc ainda nao sabe quem eh o Sacomen, entao eu o introduzo pra vc??
Desde que o mundo eh mundo todos sabem que onde estiver o Veraz lah estara o Sacomen, e onde estiver o Sacomen lah estara o Veraz, a ordem nao importa muito mas era bem por ai.
Rafael Stanislau de Camargo eh o irmao mais novo que eu que me adotou, nao existe no mundo um cara que eh mais descolado que ele, nossa amizade nasceu no dia que ele nasceu, nao me lembro um dia se quer de minha infancia em que ele nao estivesse por perto, mas nossa amizade mesmo se tornou inquebravel, na nossa adolescencia.
Eu assisti o muleke magrelo e sardento crescer e se tornar a maior figura entre a galera de pirituba, onde iamos as pessoas perguntavam, "cade o Sacomem" e onde ele estivesse o riso era garantido, por isso agente nao podia se desgrudar, nas noites de baladas voltavamos pra casa roucos de tando rir, beber e falar alto, nao tinha como disfarcar as nossas maes e namoradas jah descobriam tudo no primeiro bom dia rouco que saia de nossa boca.
Quando comecei a andar de skate ele estava no bolinho, quando comecei a surfar ele estava junto, quando comecei a tocar na Fuck For Fun foi a convite dele, quando perdi meus pais ele estava o tempo todo comigo, na primeira surf trip Internacional ao Peru mais uma vez ele estava lah, se nao posso chama-lo de irmao quem poderia??
Hoje ele coordena a Casa Pirituba Surfers em Camburi, jah rodou varios paises do mundo, e continua a fazer amigos que simplesmente o amam, acreditem ele eh o cara, se vc pode chama-lo de amigo vc sabe que ele faz o que puder para ve-lo bem, este eh o meu irmao Sacomem o Noivo.

Lets start from the beginning…

Since i moved to New Zealand, i miss my friends a lot, and then i was having a chat with my friend Sacoman and we was talking about, brotherhood, friendship and stuffs, he said to me that he was thinking in get married but he just wanna do it if i could be there, i was like "let do it together, so", calm down i mean each one with your own partner but in the same day haha good excuses just on time…

What??? Don't you know Sacoman yet?? Let me to introduce him to you.

Everyone knows where the Sacoman are, Veraz gonna be there as well, and vice verse, Rafael Stanislau de Camargo is the brother that adopt me like his own, don't exist in this world a dude like him, he is really funny, our friendship was born in the same day that he was born, i don't remember one day in my childhood that he wasn't around, but our friendship get more stronger and unbroken when we get older and turn teenagers.

So i saw the ginger little boy full of freckles on his face growing and turning the most funny dude in Pirituba, every where i've been the people asked me "Where is Sacoman??" and where he was everyone laughed a lot, reason why we can't live separated, we used to hangout and go out very often and spend most of the time talking loud, laughing and drinking, in the end of night we came back to home with no voice, our parents and girlfriends did percept in the first word that came out of our mouths.

When i started skating he was in the crowd, when i stated to surf he was in the water, when i started to play in the band Fuck For Fun i was invited by him, When my Mum and Dad passed away he was there always by my side, in the surf trip to Peru one more time he was with me, if i cant call him my brother, who can do it???

Today he is the Senior director in the Pirituba Surfers beach house in Camburi, he'd been in many countries around the world and keep doing friends that just love him as the way he is, believe me when i say "he is the man" and if you have him as your friend you probably know that he'll do the impossible for you get a good time, this is my Brother Sacoman the Groom.

Hours later

Em Santiago, Chile depois de passar umas 15 horas sentados no aviao, falando portunhol e assistindo filme, num dorme e acorda sem fim.